Prison Rideshare Project

Need more information? Check out our handbook’s online or print version.

Seeking drivers and cars for rides to prison

Right now, we are working on a project to connect people with rides to visit their friends and loved ones who are in prison. We are looking for drivers, cars, and donations for gas money. These rides are free of charge to passengers, and we reimburse drivers for gas money.

Most of Manitoba’s prisons are located outside of the cities where the majority of imprisoned people are from. There are no busses to take people to prisons, and this often means people on the inside don’t get visited, and people on the outside don’t get to visit if they don’t have regular access to a car.

If you or someone you know is interested in getting a ride to visit one of southern Manitoba’s prisons, if you are interested in volunteering, or for more information please contact or “Prison Visiting Rideshare – Manitoba” on Facebook.

Rides can also be arranged by phone or text message: 204-599-8869 (It’s ideal to request a ride at least 5-7 days in advance).

For a more detailed breakdown on what the process for getting a ride looks like, we have a step-by-step guide here.

Why are rides to prison important?

Connecting people with rides is one way to work against the damage incarceration does to the relationships that sustain communities. We see this work as part of our commitment to the principles of prison abolition.

How are we funded?

This project is volunteer-run. We have received grants to cover gas money from the Daniel McIntyre/St. Matthews Community Association and the West Broadway Community Organization, as well as organized our own fundraisers. In 2017 we received a community grant from Assiniboine Credit Union for the purpose of building a data base which has allowed for the more efficient and effective coordination of rides. We also accept donations though we are not a registered charity and cannot issue a tax receipt.

What is it like to visit a prison in Manitoba?

John Howard Society of Manitoba provides a pamphlet with detailed instructions on visiting procedures for 10 correctional facilities in Manitoba, the guide also has answers to 16 common questions visitors ask, plus 30 names and addresses of Winnipeg groups that provide community resources. See the full PDF here.